Saturday, November 8, 2008

this is for all my friends out there.This one is dedicated to RYAN



I really dont where to begin or really how to say it.And if GOD for bid ,he read this..ahhh.
But,its nothing bad ,only good and sentimental.He is just a wonderful person ,a true friend,
and I trully love him ,as a friend,That is what he hates ,cause he tells me ,I dont love you,And,it
doesnt matter if he does or doesnt.He is from canada,and that is cool .but I often wish I
can just hug him ,and share a good bottle of wine ,and just laugh and talk for hours.Is that so
There is something about him that I find so intriging,.What, I dont quite know,He is young,
amitious,fun,free spirited and just a great guy.Maybe ,he is what I wish I could be.His laugh
makes me just giggle inside,and when he sings,it just ,feels so good.I love his blue eyes and his smile ,just sweet and gentle and kind.He just is a caring young guy,And i just miss him.
I just love his music and he has introduced me to some different styles of music.And it
is so cool.At times ,he tells me things which I think are so hurtful ,but still very true.And,
I now realize by him being honest ,he trully is a good friend.
Sometimes I dont exactly know how to take him.He is quiet and shy,and he is so much like kevin.And yet,ryan,makes me feel young .And that feels so great.
I am glad he came into my life,Sometimes I guess I get obseesed with him and sending him emails,It is part of this damn ptsd and depression.And I love him ,but not like the love I have for kevin,
But,its such a unique freindship. He is great and ,even though he is young, he is often there to
give me hope and to send wonderful songs for me to listen too.OMG I hope he doesnt ever see this.I really dont want him to freak out. I am ,I guessed kinda confused with my feelings with him.Hmmmm,
Life is just so confusing ,especially after Katrina.My mind,at times thinks these wierd things.
paronoid,sometimes I think Ryan hates me ,and then i freak out,No,I cant have him be mad at him then,here comes the emails and then more paronoid thoughts and more emails,Then,
does he hate me .Such a vicious cycle.
I just think ryan is the best.Well,when I was a teen,most of my pals were guys.Wow.
Anyway,I am glad I met Ryan/

Remember the love you take is equal to the love you make
him to freak ou