Sunday, January 25, 2009


Here it goes another year ends and a new year begins.And ,am I a little wiser for it?
I certainly hope so.Even,though katrina happened almost 4 years still haunts me
and I still shudder every time it rains ,floods and the wind blows hard.I get sick to my
stomach when i smell wrenching garbage or even walk in dirty smelling bathroom stalls.
I sometimes see elder people and I think back to the elder patients that were stranded
in these horrible conditions in the hospitals during and after katrina.I remember their
fearful,frightened cries of help.And,I remember .me not emotionally able to help them
I was there ,in the stairwell huddled ,shaking ,not able to move .frozen at the steps.
there.during the raging ,powerful f orce of hurricane katrina .I was scared ,frightened,begging
God to save us.But,I needed to be strong,I was always strong,Not today ,not now,What
about the patients ,who was there for them.I was weak,I was ashamed that I could not
be there for them.I felt like a coward,

Hurricane katrina was....a power so strong it destroyed peoples homes,peoples communities
It RIPPED APART everthing in its path.But most important it destroyed lives.
famlies ,it was so damn horrible.

ok ,,,,but it is ..imust move on...but I must never ever forget


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