Wednesday, September 24, 2008

three guys from canada

Yes,I have often mentioned these guys from canada.Although,I have only known them for about six months,I truly have a really great friendship with all of them.A friendship in which I love
them dearly....And after they said they had to stop running lol shows I was the
rug was pulled from under there was this hole in my heart...sad ..just sad....
I just was numb.....i truly enjoyed them ,they were funny,crazy ,goofy guys....just down to earth
....and ..i was just so sad.....i thought ohhhh nooooo another lost in my felt like a horrible
death...and ...I went down the dark tunnel...stayed in my room and did nothing at all ,all day
......I just .....just lost my best friends....They were my salvation..they were heros in a way
.....they literally saved my life...and they ...are gone,,,OMG.....what will I do...I felt....
like....i couldnt go on without them...and yes...I became too dependant on them...I realize that....
I have not trully ..totally healed from my depression. but ...I can not allow my happiness
to come from other people ..
wow....I am so glad to have met these guys.....I cant express how much I love them..
its a love you feel for your friends..they are easy to talk to..they are fun....sometimes I do feel
sad cause I really wish I could just see them ..and give them a big hug..a kiss on a cheek
share a nice bottle of wine..and just act crazy and laugh and laugh ....
Friendships are so wonderful...and the best thing about them..
they except me for me...they try to understand my depression....they care about me and they help me, they listen to me....
and I thank GOD for sending them into my life....and I know one day...we will have that chance to get together...and I dont even feel like they are in
I ......feel good thinking about them and guide has said....while back ..he doesnt love me...
..and its all good.....but he is young...but.. its ok.... was destiny ,,to meet was fate.they came in my life 3 years after katrina
....yes ,that was a long time...but I was still dealing with was still hard to
to stop all this anxiety ,stop my sadness....and..when they entered my life...
I became less anxious..they provided joy,they put laughter back in my heart and a smile on my face..
....And, at this time I want to thank these guys: RON,JASON,AND RYAN heroes dear friends.......thanks guys and GOD BLESS YOU

remember the love you take is eqaul to the love you make

peace out

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