Friday, August 22, 2008


M y feelings get hurt so often, I dont know why that is or when it all started.and i often seek approval from every one as though I dont trust myself.Often ,people say things to me and I percieve it totally twisted or distorted.P erhaps becaause ,never in my life was i ever spoken a kind word from my parents.So ,I am always suspious of people,as though they cant possibly sayi something nice to me,But,then there are those peoplle ,who I confide in trust,and believe in.a few of those people will take what i said and then just throw them back at me/
like,I told my freinds I love them,and,I was quite sincere,but it only got thrown in my face by teling me I DONT LOVE YOU.Now,perhaps they dont but ,please respect my feeings,People say hurtful things to me ,and it just replays over and over in my an old movie...
and I cry,cause its so so so sad.I dont know if he meant it to be cruel or because he didnt know how ,
m to handle it
It is so hard to get to this point of trusting someone..and bam ,,it blows in yor face.
I am very sensetive.I keep laying in my mind I am not going to tollerate this feel so disrespected,so ,beratated,so,such a fool.Why a fool ,because i am putting myself out there
with all thesse raw emotions...i just get slammed..
I keep saying ,no more I wont take it becaues dont want to loose this freinship,cause you have lost so many before
Deep down inside,you kinda get how and why your freinds act this way.But ,still,it doesnt make it feel any better.Look at it their view,they are scared and worried and its too hard to handle,
so ,you just try to work out thingd on your own,,,,and it is real tough ,real so fu,,kin tough
remember the love you take is eqaul to the love you make....

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