Tuesday, August 12, 2008

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FI3PBGEGjrk this song tells it all.if people,family friends etc.,would just listen to us understand us,reach out to us.then ,they could possibly save our lives
sometimes all we need is someone to listen to us.and ,when no does,no one just doesnt seem to care..then..
it ,,is the last blow that .is it..we are.overwhelmed by sadness,and we are so deep into that dark hold...we cant just muster up enough strength ...we cant ...live...why?why? cant they understand we are reaching out,,,we need to just hear those words spoken,,,,we love you.....we want you around.....many many people shun us,,,why? i dont know,,but we feel all alone...we feel ...dead inside ,,numb.....we feel rejected ..by everyone...its as though..they ..choose when to accept us..they just arent there for us emotionally,..when we are sad ..but frienship ..love ..is accepting who we are...good and bad....times..
PLEASE ,,PLEASE treat us as humans ... as..friends.....down..go when the going is rough and the waters are rough when the roads are rocky,,,
just please accept us for who we are
remember the love you nake is equal to the love you make

peace out

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